Welcome from Elsie Mcleman, Messenger

Welcome to the Trinity,

I am a messenger for the Spiritworld. I am not a fortune teller or psychic. I have been honoured to be given a gift that allows me to  help others in many ways and have been privileged to be chosen as a messenger.

We come from the Spiritworld, and on passing we only return home, as I like to call it. I have been with the Spiritworld for many, many years and believe wholeheartedly in what they do to help those troubled on earth. Just as a lightbulb is covered with glass to contain its energy the human body works in the same way, and it has been scientifically proven that, although the glass may be gone, the energy continues to flow, as does the spirit of one passed for also of energy is thus.

I am not religious but believe in the Lord - you wonder how this can be and how I can separate the Lord from the church. This is easy when you look at the facts. The Lord didn't create religion. If this was so why, when on earth, was he opposed to the practices held by some? In all things in life mankind sees a window of opportunity to utilise something/one to their benefit. Money is said to be the root of all evil...or is it the way man has used it against each other?

I communicate daily with the spirits and I will gladly and freely share this gift. Please feel free to ask any questions and I will endeavour to answer and pass on messages as promptly as possible.